The same word "mucus" sounds like something repulsive. But since that can be changed in the word "hydration". Knows popular expression: "Here, baba saw muzhik, and she immediately "pomerculo" between the legs". Yes, this is the mucus is a normal reaction to an exciting an object to the woman. And since I do not know of these secretions, the sexual act would have been as bourdeos of the carrot with a grater.
Of the lord, and the virgin, the first time that the sex not be afraid of the secretions of mucus in women when aroused, which means that you will gustáis.
A small example of life. One very shy man virgin, still in school age, the ears fell in love with the girl in the class parallel. Down of mind, she wrote anonymous love poems, but at the top of your buyer.
Did not even know as a "roll up" to her, because she did not know, what are the concepts to deal with in the sexual. This, the silly, the literature to read, and all with small volumes of the great poets dragged. The only one that thought the edge of the ear heard that there are sexually transmitted diseases, and that then drips from bodies.
What happened was that the object of his lust, she herself has been seduced. Somewhere in the school a party became fuzzy. And I here that at home their parents don't, the destiny has put them. Kisses, tenderness, trembling hands he touched his lips - and there normal for the women secretion of mucus when aroused. But at the moment shod such fear, gentle slope, that the girl infected by a mysterious disease, because the moisture in her panties was oh! The poor guy, that has at "half past five", and with shame that he fled from his "goddess".
Later, this failed lover with the sad laughter remembered this incident, as he lost the first love. Well, time heals all and then learned, married, spawn a bunch of kids.
How and why they occur allocation of women when she is aroused?
Vaginal fluid is very complicated composition, which secrete the sex glands that are found in the vagina, the uterus and the epithelium of the vagina. It is not worth to think that the mucus that is highlighted only at the time of the excitation, in small amounts in the vagina, she always is.
However, the same before the sexual act, and at the time of excitation of the body expels mucus several more times, so that the sexual act was more comfortable, and would not be dry, causing discomfort to both partners.
The healthy girls vaginal fluid is slightly thick and clear mucus , without odor, and the abnormal color. Each woman the amount of moisture is different, everything depends on the degree of excitation and from its disposal at the time of intercourse. A partner with experience will always give you an account of what excited by their beloved, and will go to any prelude to sex, not to have the dubious pleasure dry.
But abundant and selection of lubrication in the woman when she is aroused sometimes cause psychological difficulties of the two lovers, especially if the couple for the first time, or a short time he had on foreign relations. The man can assume that with the lady it is not so: or dissolute, or a problem with your health in the sexual sphere. The girl may hesitate or even refrain from having sex. In your opinion, what is the abundance of the moisture out of the couple, yes, uh, are very unpleasant sounds of the vagina due to this, during sex, similar to... Well, you can understand.
What color are highlighting is the norm, and the fear of truth
Thus, the enumeration of the colors:
- colorless or slightly whitish hue;
- abundant white cheesy fluid;
- gray or even greenish;
- In the first case, the fear is not worth. Even the white discharge when aroused to women-is not a sign of your illness, it is the ordinary leucorrhea. Are observed especially in girls, who are in the period of ovulation is the time stamp of the conception. As well as the color white can be lubricated during the arousal, especially when it gets to a sexual intercourse or after the intercourse with condom.
- In the second case, if in panties white girls corny selection , as well as your vagina, and the sexual organs are swollen, the more likely it is that she a yeast infection. This does not mean that she lymphogranuloma disease, and does not mean that it is unclean - this may be a reaction to the antibiotics, or some personal hygiene products. But the sex is desirable in the condom itself have.
- The selection of fluid when aroused to women of grey with a touch of green can be dangerous for the partner. And not just the color says about the dangers, but also the presence of toxic gases , " rotten fish, you will realize that the little girl something from someone "picked up". Even if the girl all that clean and neat. With such a lady "the same" necessarily have an impact on the health.

The myths of the lovers of adult movies of secretions
Initially, he wants to dispel the myth for lovers of adult movies, just pornography. Sometimes in movies there are the episodes: here takes care of the couple, and not a, wild, sex, and, behold, one of the women begin plenty of selection at the time of excitement, yes of those that flooded the floor of the bed, and during orgasm, in general, is like a whale take a squirt of vaginal discharge up.
After seeing that movie on the internet is carry the intense debate: is it possible that such or not. Someone even called himself the heel in the chest", which I personally had seen similar, when I slept with the partner. Outrageous to the absurd and silly baladronada.
Slightly wetting the bed, under the ass - still where did not go, but to shed yes liters, from the feet up to the ears, and trickled - there is such a thing.
Therefore, the advice to the girls who are not afraid, that it is there somewhere under you is has formed a small pond: it is normal, as the body will react to arousal and the lubrication took over. The men of council is not to be afraid and not to disgrace the girl on the ridiculous.
And here is when poor lubrication, or its absence, regret yes both, well, it is as well, especially in the mature, couples, when the woman reaches the menopause, and it still oh as fancy! Well, there is already in the privacy-shops special gels and lubricants, so we're going to win, and cool enjoys sex!
Sometimes, during sex, the woman observed the discomfort and dryness, as well as the lack of lubrication natural secretions of the genital tract, which help to perform the sexual act. Why is this happening? The problem in the couple or the woman? That can help you in this delicate situation, and the media that it is worth it to apply? These questions require an in-depth discussion.
On "this"
Sex is a natural need of the body. Men and women do not only for the continuation of the species, the sex is a manifestation of love, of tenderness, of passion, of pleasure, and much more. For each pair of sexual intercourse, natural stage of the relationship. However, sex is the mutual pleasure, is an equal relationship of two people, and if one of the partners of the sexual contact brings to the discomfort, relationships can be damaged. One of the common problems of women is the dryness during sex because there is not enough lubrication. The fat is colorless fibrous fluid, released as a result of the excitation of the woman before the sexual act, in the period of foreplay and during sex. She helps the introduction and the movement of a member into the vagina, avoiding the discomfort of the micro-cracks and unpleasant sensations. As a result of exposure to various internal and external factors the extent of excretion of fat can vary. And in case of deficiency of lubrication, sexual intercourse can cause a woman a feeling of burning and other unpleasant sensations.
Why lubrication for less?
The dryness in the vagina can occur for various reasons: decrease of the amount of sexual hormones in the period of the menopause, after childbirth, diseases of the ovaries, or disease of the body. It reduces the amount of fat in the stress, the physical exhaustion, when the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, after some medications.
Also devoid of fat and as a result of mechanical damage to the vagina are too active and intense sex, rough penetration or due to allergy to condoms. But one of the main causes of the reduction of the amount of fat is the lack of excitation of the woman due to the short prelude, or its absence, if the partner is interesting or not excite the woman. Scientists estimate that, on average, the woman should be 8-10 minutes (in some cases up to 15!) for the excitation, and if the couple is in a hurry, can cause discomfort due to the dryness.
If there is not enough lubrication, intimate relationships can be for a woman to be unbearable, she is going to try to avoid, in consequence, be affected, as the personal relations of the partners, and the state of mind, the psychological well-being and even the self-esteem of women.

Home "work on the bugs"?
First of all, it is necessary to examine the problems with the couple, the exchange of sexual relations: their diversity, pay enough attention to peting for the woman moved, and her vagina has allocated enough lubrication to enjoy the penetration of men. Every woman has certain incentives and secrets of the area." It is important to suggest to a partner that you like the most, what caresses you like in the period of foreplay.
If the problem occurs occasionally, special use lubricating artificial (lubricants), which create necessary slippage and moisture. But if the problem occurs almost all the times, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Sometimes, the cause of the dryness is the subject spent dehydration of the body, he's simply there is not enough liquid for the production of additional portions of fat. Then helps to increase the amount of drinking per day of liquids. As an option: lack of lubrication may occur as a result of the reaction in the means of intimate hygiene. Women are often too enthusiastic with soap intimate, in violation of the normal microflora of the vagina, and draining of the mucous. In this case, it is necessary to change the tools of special health care.
The formation of the secretions of arousal in the woman, because of that during the sexual act, increases the amount of fat. This occurs because of the natural lubricant, employee of the protection of the genital organs of the mechanical damage produces more amount of mucus.
In the type of flow contains many substances, thanks to which it is protected sex, the system of the penetration of the infection. But, there are cases in which when the flow in the moment of intimacy too abundant, or, on the contrary, it is not enough, which can bring disadvantages.
Important! In healthy women, vaginal fat of the average density, transparent consistency and does not have a characteristic odor and color. If there has been any change in the color or viscosity, you should consult your doctor for further determine the pathology.
It is important to determine the nature of vaginal discharge. As plenty of the formation of the secretions, and their absence can be a disturbing symptom. The influence on the change of color and viscosity of the mucus, you can have the consumption of drugs, the age at the rate, as well as the hormonal change.
The influence of the sexual relationship in the formation of mucus
On average in the wall of the vagina, the moisture will form after 12 to 16 seconds after the start of the active stimulation in the erogenous zone. This also occurs when the strong women of the selection to be produced when excited at a psychological level. After that in the sexual organ is introduced a natural lubricant , the mucus continues, and even an increase in their volumes.
During the excitation, the mucus excels in the standard, and the more the maximum level of selection occurs when the orgasm. When the decrease of the excitation of the office of mucus is normal.
Natural lubrication is a sure sign of what happened to female arousal , that can't stimulate or false. In the penetration of the sperm into the female sexual organ can change the consistency of the fat and the vagina will come in a new form with the consistency of white color .
The change of the mappings at the time of the intimacy
The selection of the women is manifest in the form of aqueous liquid of a substance that acts as a lubricant. Greater amount of fat, as a general rule, occurs when a woman is excited. Often, some of the girls after intimacy occurs the specific training of the vaginal secretions . If the sexual contact occurs without a condom, after which the act can manifest itself to the women to education thick and clear secretory media offices mucus.
These forces of the vagina, after a brief period of time spend in another way, and the separations are white form of liquid consistency. When the insurance of the sexual relationship, or when its abrupt interruption of the separations is celebrated on the white of the little creamy structure. The change of offices of the vagina, sometimes occurs due to the action of one or other hormone medication.
When you apply the medication of the hormone action (i.e. birth control or other means) can lead to the formation of an allergic reaction, which is characterized by the braking ovulatory process. In this case, the selection of lubrication much is reduced to its normal size volume. Very rarely can happen when taking the contraceptive most abundant of the offices of the mucus. As only hormonal medication stop taking them, the value is normalized.
A negative effect due to a change of sexual partner
If the girls often change sexual partners, this may also cause a change in vaginal lubrication. The office of the penis, which can be thicker and more abundant. This happens because when you have sex with a new partner changes the state of the intestinal flora in the genital organs.

Due to the action of the new freedom is conditional-pathogenic flora, penetrated into the system of the body in the vagina occurs the adaptation to the unknown bacteria and microorganism, and in some cases a total rejection. Often, this results in an increase of the number of offices of mucus, as well as the color change and the structure of lubrication. As a general rule, little by little indicator is normalized. However, when you increase the frequency of change of partner may form a serious disease, as well as infertility.